The Builders

If you asked a child what their dream house would look like they may answer with responses like an indoor pool, a slide from the second story to first floor, or a huge movie theater. When you ask that same child as an adult the same question, although to some their responses might still be must-haves, most would reply with other answers. These might include a large kitchen, an open-concept into the family room, or a big master bathroom. Building a home opens the gates for creativity and design to run wild, offering the opportunity to fully customize your home the way you choose. Although, there is a lot to consider when making this decision: How to get your dream home for an affordable price? How to find the best contractor for the job? In this blog, we will highlight a few tips and tricks on how to save money on your new home build. 


Consider Your Contractor

Choosing the right contractor makes all the difference. The Builders Associaiton and lots of other sources recommend using local contractors. Utilizing local contractors helps to save money in terms of fees associated with traveling and other expenses. Another reason to use a local contractor is the ability to maintain consistent communication, which helps to ensure more satisfaction in the finalized project. Furthermore, you can also better check references, ensuring that you are 100% confident in your decision. The Builders Association’s membership directory features lots of reputable, high-quality local contractors to choose from, which is now easier than ever to 



When building a new home, it is important to ensure you are thoughtfully thinking about location. Factors like commute time to work, school, and other necessities are worth planning out. You may want to think about neighbors, how many routes do you have to get to the center of town, and more. Prime locations will likely cost more money to purchase, so being persistent when searching for available plots will help you balance out location and cost associated. 


What is Your Budget

According to the U.S. Census Burea and the Department of Hosuing and Urban Development, the average price of building a new home is $400,500 in 2024. From building the foundation and framing, to interior expenses like plumbing and electrical, there are a lot of costs that go into building a home. You may have to compromise on what you get if you have a ridgid budget. A practice that is becoming more common is deferring cosmetic elements, which essentially means you withhold from finishing the process until you are more monetarily comfortable. Examples of this would be replacing light fixtures, completing landscaping, finishing the basement, and more. This way you can enjoy your new home, and be conservative.


Home Insurance

Home owners insurance is an important factor. You want to make sure you are fully aware of all of the monthly costs related to building home. According to Nerd Wallet, the average home insurance rate in Ohio is $116 a month. Feel free to use this home insurance calculator which is free to use and provides a comparison on rates. It may still be a good idea to cross reference a few other options  to be sure you are getting the best coverage for the best rate.


Building a New Home

When in the process of building a new home, there are lots of decisions to make. Factors include what contractor or contractors to choose, location, budget, and more. The Builders Association’s membership directory makes it easy for you to contact and request quotes from local contractors in many different niches of the construction industry. This helps relieve some of the pressure off of researching different companies, and provides you the benefits of using a local contractor. 

The construction industry is undergoing transformations driven by a blend of factors reshaping project planning, execution, and completion. Several trends are emerging, underscoring the sector’s dedication to sustainability, technological advancement, safety, and adaptability amidst market fluctuations. Let’s delve into the critical themes propelling the construction industry forward in 2024.

1. Sustainability Integration and Operational Efficiency

In 2024, sustainability has become a cornerstone of the construction industry, with an intensified focus on reducing environmental footprints. Construction firms are embracing eco-friendly practices, incorporating green building materials, and adopting energy-efficient technologies. Beyond regulatory compliance, sustainability is now a strategic imperative, driven by client demands for environmentally responsible projects. From design to execution, the industry is integrating sustainable practices to align with evolving expectations.

2. Labor Shortages

The ongoing challenge of skilled labor shortages continues to shape the construction landscape in 2024. Automation and robotics adoption are on the rise as firms seek to supplement workforce deficiencies with technology. Collaborative efforts between industry stakeholders, educational institutions, and governments are intensifying to address the skills gap through vocational training and talent attraction initiatives.

John Morris, President and CEO of the Ohio Valley Associated Builders and Contractors, highlights the productivity challenge posed by the labor shortage, emphasizing the importance of training and retaining skilled employees amidst inflation-driven wage hikes.

3. Advancements in AI and Technology

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge technologies is revolutionizing construction practices. Autonomous construction equipment, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and augmented reality are enhancing project efficiency and precision. AI algorithms optimize scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management, empowering data-driven decision-making. Drones and sensors provide real-time data for improved project visibility and management, marking a shift towards precision-driven construction methodologies

4. Heightened Safety Measures

Safety remains a paramount concern in construction, with 2024 witnessing an increased focus on advanced safety protocols. Wearable devices and AI-driven analytics are deployed to monitor and mitigate risks, while VR and AR technologies offer immersive safety training experiences. The industry is committed to cultivating a safety-centric culture, prioritizing the well-being of every worker through proactive risk management and training initiatives.

5. Impact from the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The implementation of the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act drives significant momentum within the construction industry. Governments allocate substantial budgets towards infrastructure upgrades, transportation enhancements, and smart city initiatives. While federal spending presents opportunities, adherence to compliance and transparency standards is improtant for successful project execution. Companies capable of efficiently navigating federal spending frameworks are poised to thrive amidst infrastructure revitalization efforts.

6. Diversity and Inclusion Emphasis

Diversity is gaining prominence as a catalyst for innovation and progress within the construction sector. Companies are actively promoting inclusive workplaces, reflecting diverse perspectives through hiring practices and workforce composition. By tapping into a broader talent pool encompassing various backgrounds and experiences, the industry aims to foster innovation and address the demand for skilled labor effectively.

As the construction industry embraces these trends, adaptability and innovation emerge as cornerstones of success. By proactively responding to evolving dynamics and capitalizing on emerging opportunities, the sector is poised to chart a resilient, innovative, and inclusive path forward in 2024 and beyond.

HVAC worker installing A/C unit

Heating and cooling contractors ensure that indoor environments remain comfortable and safe in every corner of our modern world. In this post, we’ll explore their indispensable contributions, versatile skills, professional opportunities, and commitment to safety.

Mastering the Craft of HVAC

With rigorous training and a keen eye for detail, heating and cooling contractors are adept at installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting HVAC systems. Their expertise spans residential, commercial, and industrial settings, including the ability to adapt to evolving technologies and challenges in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration.

The Process of Becoming a Heating and Cooling Contractor

Becoming a heating and cooling technician begins with obtaining a high school diploma or GED, followed by technical training through vocational programs or apprenticeships. After completing the necessary training, aspiring contractors may need to pass licensing exams to practice in their jurisdiction. Continued education is essential for staying updated on technology and safety standards, with opportunities for specialization and career advancement as experience grows.

Adapting to Industry Changes

As technology advances, so do the skills of heating and cooling contractors. They integrate smart HVAC systems, optimize energy-efficient solutions, and embrace innovations to meet the evolving needs of modern buildings. From traditional heating methods to cutting-edge refrigeration systems, contractors play a vital role in ensuring comfort and efficiency in indoor environments.

HVAC Contractor Safety

Safety is paramount in the HVAC industry, and contractors prioritize stringent protocols to protect themselves and building occupants. This includes adhering to safety standards, wearing protective gear, and implementing proper procedures to minimize risks during installations and repairs.


In summary,  HVAC contractors are the backbone of modern comfort, empowering progress with their expertise, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to safety. Our membership directory includes many professional and experienced options for contractors when you are in need of assistance. Let’s recognize and celebrate their invaluable contributions as we continue to enjoy the comforts of modern living.

Several cement mason apprentices receiving on-the-job training while pouring and finishing concrete.

In the world of construction, where timelines are tight and quality is crucial, having the right team can make or break a project. Behind the scenes at The Builders Association, our support and resources ensure that every member has the tools and skills necessary to stay on top of the industry and encourage 

At the heart of The Builders Association’s mission is member empowerment. Through access to education, training, skilled labor, and technical/administrative support, members are equipped to succeed on every project.

So, what sets members of The Builders Association apart?

  1. Technical and Skill Training: Members receive valuable technical and skill training, including safety protocols and industry standards like OSHA compliance. This formalized instruction gives them a competitive edge.
  2. Cost Savings: Investment in training increases productivity, leading to cost savings for project owners. Union crews complete work faster and with fewer errors, minimizing the financial burden of accidents.
  3. Years of Training and Experience: Union craftsmen employed by member contractors bring strong training and experience, ensuring projects run smoothly. Members stay ahead of few technologies and construction strategies.
  4. Unmatched Manpower: Members have access to a diverse pool of skilled tradesmen, ensuring projects are staffed with the best labor available.

Partnering with members of The Builders Association offers numerous benefits for project owners, including cost savings, access to experienced local workers, streamlined project management, and enhanced quality assurance. By choosing union construction, businesses invest in a workforce committed to excellence and driven by a shared passion for their craft.

In a competitive industry, being a member of The Builders Association is more than just a badge of honor—it’s a gateway to success, delivering outstanding results project after project.

public project constructed by members of the builders association- youngstown public library

In the fast-paced world of construction, efficiency is key to success. Tight schedules, budget constraints, and evolving project requirements demand a streamlined approach to project management and execution. This is where lean construction principles come into play, offering a systematic methodology for optimizing efficiency, reducing waste, and delivering value to clients. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of lean construction, explore its core principles, and discuss how it can be applied to maximize efficiency in construction projects.

Understanding Lean Construction

Originating from the manufacturing industry, lean principles were first introduced by Toyota in the 1950s as a means of improving production efficiency and reducing waste. Over time, these principles have been adapted and applied to various industries, including construction, where they have proven to be highly effective in enhancing project delivery.

At its core, lean construction is centered around the concept of eliminating waste and maximizing value at every stage of the construction process. By fostering collaboration, continuous improvement, and a focus on customer needs, lean construction aims to create a more efficient and streamlined workflow that ultimately benefits all stakeholders involved.

Core Principles of Lean Construction

Identifying and Eliminating Waste:

Lean construction emphasizes the identification and elimination of waste in all its forms, including excess materials, unnecessary processes, and inefficient workflows. By minimizing waste, resources can be allocated more effectively, and project delivery can be accelerated.

Value Stream Mapping:

Value stream mapping is a key tool used in lean construction to analyze and optimize the flow of work from start to finish. By mapping out the entire construction process and identifying areas of inefficiency, project teams can identify opportunities for improvement and implement targeted solutions to streamline operations.

Just-In-Time Delivery:

Just-in-time delivery involves supplying materials and resources to the construction site precisely when they are needed, thereby minimizing inventory and reducing storage costs. This principle helps prevent overproduction, minimize transportation waste, and improve overall project efficiency.

Continuous Improvement:

Continuous improvement lies at the heart of lean construction, with a focus on ongoing refinement and optimization of processes and workflows. By fostering a culture of learning and innovation, project teams can identify new opportunities for efficiency gains and implement incremental changes to drive continuous improvement.

Respect for People:

Lean construction places a strong emphasis on respecting the expertise and contributions of all individuals involved in the construction process, from architects and engineers to contractors and subcontractors. By fostering a culture of mutual respect and collaboration, lean construction enables teams to work together more effectively towards common goals.

Applying Lean Construction Principles in Practice

Implementing lean construction principles requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved in a construction project. Key strategies for applying lean principles in practice include:

  • Establishing clear project goals and objectives
  • Empowering project teams to identify and eliminate waste
  • Promoting open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders
  • Investing in training and development to build lean construction expertise
  • Regularly monitoring and evaluating project performance to identify areas for improvement

By embracing lean construction principles and integrating them into project management and execution processes, construction firms can maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver greater value to clients. In an increasingly competitive industry, lean construction offers a proven methodology for achieving success in today’s construction projects.

Lean Construction Overview 

In conclusion, lean construction principles offer a systematic approach to maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste in construction projects. By embracing lean principles and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, construction firms can optimize project delivery processes, enhance productivity, and ultimately achieve greater success in today’s dynamic construction industry.

Modern construction and craftsmanship follows the influence of ancient civilizations. Drawing inspiration from the engineering power of Egypt, the innovative spirit of Greece, and the strategic advancements of Rome, today’s tools reflect a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary technology.

The Precision of Egyptian Levels:

Ancient Egyptians were renowned for their precise construction, notably seen in the creation of the pyramids. Today, modern leveling tools draw inspiration from the plumb bobs and leveling instruments used by Egyptian artisans, ensuring accuracy and symmetry in construction projects.

Masonry Excellence Inspired by Greek Architecture:

Greek architects and builders were masters of masonry, constructing iconic structures like the Parthenon. Modern masonry tools incorporate lessons from ancient Greek techniques, emphasizing durability and aesthetics in bricklaying and stonework.

Roman Innovations in Surveying:

The Roman Empire’s extensive road network is a testament to their advanced surveying skills. Modern surveying tools, including theodolites and total stations, owe their origins to the meticulous Roman land surveyors who paved the way for precise measurements.

Archimedes’ Influence on Modern Mechanics:

Archimedes, the legendary Greek mathematician and engineer, laid the groundwork for modern mechanics with his inventions like the screw pump. Today, his principles inspire innovations in power tools and machinery, showcasing the enduring impact of ancient Greek ingenuity.

Versatility of Roman Hand Tools:

Roman craftsmen were adept at creating versatile hand tools for various applications. Modern hand tools, from hammers to chisels, have evolved with a nod to the efficiency and adaptability demonstrated by Roman artisans.

Water Clocks and Timekeeping:

Inspired by ancient water clocks used by civilizations like the Greeks and Chinese, modern timekeeping tools, including digital timers and scheduling software, embody the timeless concept of measuring and managing time efficiently.


As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the construction and craftsmanship realms, it’s fascinating to see how modern tools echo the brilliance of ancient civilizations. By integrating the wisdom of Egypt, the creativity of Greece, and the strategic prowess of Rome, today’s tools stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of those who came before us. As we build the future, let us do so with an appreciation for the timeless inspiration derived from the ancient foundations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Hiring a Contractor: How it Works (blog)

In the world of construction, finding the right contractor for your project is crucial. At The Builders Online, we understand the importance of connecting you with the best residential and commercial contractors to ensure your project’s success. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to navigate through our Membership Directory, offering a streamlined process to find the perfect match for your construction needs.

How to Access Our Membership Directory:

1.Visit Our Home Page:

Start by visiting our home page at The Builders Online.

2. Navigate to the “Membership Directory”:

Click on the red box titled “Membership Directory” in the navigation menu.

Exploring Our Membership Directory:

Upon entering our Membership Directory, you’ll find an organized layout with various industry sectors that categorize our contractors efficiently. Here’s how to make the most of your research:

1. Select Your Niche:

Choose the industry sector relevant to your project

2. Browse Recommended Contractors:

Explore a curated list of recommended residential and commercial contractors within your selected niche.

3. Access Contact Information:

Find essential contact details conveniently placed under the contractor’s name.

4. Explore Company Profiles:

For more in-depth information, click on the “See Profile” button to access additional details about the company.

Requesting a Quote From a Contractor:

We understand that getting quotes is a crucial part of your decision-making process. That’s why we’ve simplified the process for you:

1. Click on “Request a Quote”:

Easily accessible on each contractor’s profile, this button takes you to a short questionnaire.

2. Submit Your Project Details:

Complete the questionnaire, providing the necessary information about your construction project.

3. Direct Communication:

Once submitted, your request will be sent directly to the contractor. It’s their responsibility to send quotes and correspond with you promptly.

The Builders Association Contractor Directory Overview

By utilizing our Membership Directory and streamlined quote request process, you’re taking the first step toward a successful construction project. Whether it is industrial, commercial, residential, or infrastructure. The Builders Association is committed to making your construction journey hassle-free and efficient. Start exploring today to find the perfect match for your project needs!

In the face of evolving economic landscapes and global challenges, questions arise about the trajectory of various industries, including construction. The construction sector, known for its resilience, has encountered unique challenges in recent times. This blog explores the factors contributing to the perception of a potential slowdown in the construction industry and delves into the nuanced realities shaping its current pace.

Understanding the Dynamics

The construction industry, historically robust, has faced a confluence of challenges that may influence its perceived momentum. One notable factor is the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted supply chains, constrained manpower, and triggered shifts in project timelines. Additionally, economic uncertainties and fluctuations in construction material costs have introduced complexities for stakeholders.

According to Tradesmen International

“Overall, construction industry revenue has declined at a CAGR of 1.3% over the past five years. Total industry revenue is expected to reach approximately $3 trillion by the end of 2023. Looking ahead to 2024, experts anticipate a softer construction market with overall growth of less than 1% next year.”

Therefore, we can expect an increase in construction revenue for 2024.

Navigating Post-Pandemic Realities

While the industry experienced temporary setbacks, it is crucial to recognize the adaptability and resilience inherent in construction practices. Efforts to address pandemic-related disruptions, such as implementing digital technologies, embracing sustainable practices, and recalibrating project management strategies, showcase the industry’s ability to navigate challenges and innovate in response to changing circumstances.

Technology and Innovation as Catalysts

Technological advancements are playing a pivotal role in redefining the construction landscape. From Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitating enhanced project visualization to the integration of artificial intelligence in construction management, innovation is fostering efficiency and streamlining processes. These developments challenge the notion of a slowdown, highlighting a transformative phase for the industry.

Sustainability and Green Construction

A notable trend influencing construction is the increasing emphasis on sustainability. As environmental concerns gain prominence, construction practices are evolving towards greener alternatives. The integration of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and sustainable construction practices not only align with global initiatives but also contribute to reshaping the industry’s future.

Infrastructure Investment and Economic Stimulus

Government-led infrastructure projects and economic stimulus packages can significantly impact the pace of construction. Increased investment in public infrastructure, driven by a commitment to job creation and economic recovery, has the potential to counterbalance any perceived slowdown by providing a steady stream of projects.


In examining whether the construction industry is slowing down, it is essential to consider the multifaceted influences at play. While challenges persist, the industry’s resilience, technological integration, sustainability efforts, and ongoing infrastructure investments collectively point towards a sector poised for adaptation and growth. The construction industry, ever-evolving, remains a dynamic force, navigating change with innovation and determination.

Blogs and Podcast Blog Featured Image

Top-notch construction blogs offer a wealth of industry insights, best practices, and innovative ideas. If you’re eager to enhance your skills, explore new opportunities, and steer clear of common pitfalls, here are some premier sources for construction-related reading material.

Building Design + Construction

A comprehensive blog covering various aspects of construction and building design, including insightful perspectives on business strategies, making it particularly valuable for managers and executives.

Professional Builder Secrets 

The Professional Builders Secrets Podcast, hosted by Bosco Anthony, aims to support the growth of building companies. The podcast brings together industry experts to share experiences and provide valuable insights for builders in residential construction.

This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and YouTube.

Federal Construction Contracting Blog

A go-to resource for those eyeing government contracts, providing information on obtaining sureties, accessing correct documents, and staying updated on current legal news.

The Building Code

This podcast by Buildertrend explores people, technology and innovation. Listen to hear tips and tricks from some of the industry’s most successful teams. The Building Code offers a unique perspective into the ‘behind the scenes’ of running a building company. 

This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and YouTube.

Build Blog

Dedicated to architecture, this blog delves into the art of construction through informative and entertaining posts.


A construction software development company, Raken’s informative blog keeps contractors informed about industry trends, news, technology, education, and regional job opportunities

Construction Informer

Operated by Duane Craig, this informative blog covers a diverse range of timely content, including in-depth articles, interviews, and discussions about the construction profession.

The Build Show Podcast

Join Matt Risinger, a builder with expertise in architect-driven and fine craftsmanship work, on The Build Show Podcast. The podcast delves into topics such as building science, craftsmanship, best practices for construction and remodeling, and even discusses notable failures along with strategies to avoid them.

This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and YouTube.

Best Practices Construction Law

Concentrating on industry best practices, this blog offers project analyses, review articles, and insightful “lessons learned” stories, providing valuable legal considerations and technological insights.

Construction Marketing Association

A professional group offering resources and support for construction marketers, their blog covers various construction topics, breaking news, and provides webcasts on relevant industry subjects.

Staying Up to Date

In the dynamic construction industry, staying informed about market conditions, current trends, and modern materials is crucial. Even seasoned experts benefit from blogs and podcasts as a valuable source of real-world information, insights, stories, and case studies that help avoid potential mistakes and enhance professional growth.

The Art of Demolition

In the world of construction, where creation often takes center stage, there exists an equally crucial, albeit less celebrated, art form — demolition. The process of tearing down structures is far from a chaotic spectacle; it’s a carefully orchestrated dance, a symphony of precision, safety, and environmental mindfulness. Join us as we delve into “The Art of Demolition,” exploring how the Builders Association masterfully brings down the old to make way for the new.

The Symphony of Safety

Safety is paramount in the art of demolition, and the Builders Association takes no shortcuts in ensuring every step is meticulously planned and executed. From comprehensive site assessments to the strategic use of protective equipment, safety measures are woven into the very fabric of the demolition process. The goal? To safeguard both the skilled demolition teams and the surrounding community.

Choreographing Chaos

Demolition may seem like an act of controlled chaos, but behind the scenes, it’s a meticulously choreographed performance. Engineers, project managers, and demolition experts collaborate to create a detailed plan, considering the structural integrity of the building, potential hazards, and the most efficient methods of deconstruction. It’s a ballet of bulldozers, cranes, and controlled explosions — all working in harmony.

Environmental Ballet

In the era of sustainability, even the art of tearing down old structures is evolving. The Builders Association embraces environmentally friendly demolition practices, salvaging materials for reuse and recycling wherever possible. It’s not just about bringing down walls; it’s about doing so with a minimal ecological footprint, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

The Palette of Preservation

Demolition isn’t always about erasure; it’s also a form of preservation. The Builders Association understands the importance of salvaging historical elements and repurposing materials from old structures. By carefully preserving architectural artifacts and recycling materials, they pay homage to the past even as they pave the way for the future.

Aesthetic Deconstruction

While functionality often takes precedence in construction, the art of demolition also has an aesthetic side. The Builders Association approaches demolition with a keen eye for the visual impact. The controlled dismantling of structures can be as visually striking as the construction itself, revealing the skeleton of a building before it transforms into an open canvas for something new.

The Finale: From Dust to Design

As the last echoes of falling debris settle, the canvas is ready for the next masterpiece. The Builders Association seamlessly transitions from demolition to construction, ensuring a smooth continuum from the old to the new. The art of demolition, with its careful planning and execution, sets the stage for the grandeur of what is to come.

In conclusion, the art of demolition is more than just tearing down walls; it’s a symphony of safety, a choreography of chaos, and an environmental ballet. The Builders Association, through their commitment to precision and sustainability, transforms the act of demolition into a vital and awe-inspiring part of the construction industry’s artistic repertoire. As the old makes way for the new, the art of demolition reminds us that progress is not only about what we build but also about how we gracefully make space for the future